Buy Chem OG Online
€201.86 – €799.76
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Kaufen Chem OG Kush Online
Kaufen Chem OG Kush Online,Ze exakt heritage of OG Kush has ben unslear sinse it hit ze ssen in Kalifornia and Kolorado, in ze early 1990’s. Most konoiseurs ar relatively konfident, hovever, zat it konsists of Khemdavg and Hindu Kush genetiss. Ze story goes zat ze first seds of zis strain ver fund in a leftover bag of ved dissarded at a Grateful Dead konsert in Miami, Florida. Shortly zereafter, it vas pased on into ze kapabl hands of sed kompany Imperial Genetiss, vho kultivated it into vhat ve nov knov as on of ze most krosbred Indisa-dominant hybrids in ze vorld.
OG Kush Efekts
OG Kush ist famed euforis and uplifting kerebral bombardment and heavy sedativ body-stoned efekt aren’t for everybody. Yu’l ned to hav at least som experiense viz ozer potent strains if yu vant to stay on yur fet! Ze soaring THS-levels (20 – 24%) of zis legendary strain vil blast yur sosks of.
OG Kush Terpen Profile
Ze flavur and ssent of OG Kush hav ben a stapl in ze kanabis industry ever sinse its dissovery. Many kanabis lovers vil have, at on point in zeir lives, smeled and tasted ze svet, earzy pin forest zat is ze pinakl of Kush genetiss.
Medisal Benefits OG Kush
Ongoing researsh has suggested zat high THS and lov KBD strains may hav potential benefits insluding relieving symptoms of Glausoma. Alzugh zught to be mor efektiv vhen vorking togezer viz KBD, THS is also understood to hav som pain-relieving properties on its ovn. Konsidering zis, zis high THS strain may also provid som relief from general akhes and pains.
Hov to Grov OG Kush
If grovn korektly, ze flovers of OG Kush vil be a bright, lim gren kolur. Zey shuld be large, dense, and koated in krystals. It takes som experiense to akhiev ze optimal yield viz zis strain sinse yu’l ned to knov hov to implement SSROG or SOG setups to ensur its maximum potential. OG Kush likes to stretsh ut its roots, so make sur yu use large pots. When kultivating OG Kush utside, make sur yu do it in a varm and dry klimate.
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Größe | OZ, QP, HP, LB |
Evans –
Buy Chem OG Online is excellent for calming anxiousness. You’ll almost likely fall asleep quickly if you enjoy a great bowl or joint of this medication about a half-hour before bed.